Fix You Parody

When your young, playing hide and seek… And you decide to hide up that tree…Then you climb so high, feeling you can fly.. Your friends find you saying “no don’t jump!”

They guide you back down the tree…

And the tears come streaming down your face… Because your stuck in place….Your pants are stuck in the tree… Could it be worse?

Parents will help you down the tree…No worries, no broken bones. We all will try to help you…

Tears stream down your face…Because your stuck in place…Tears stream down your face… And we… Tears stream down your face…Look we have a ladder…Tears stream down your face…And we…

Parents will help you down the tree…No worries, no broken bones…And we will try to help you…


My cousin’s friend’s brother’s girlfriend’s sister works at a zoo and asked me to babysit a newborn chimpanzee. Of course I say yes  because we have a sort of connection and I need the money. So little Lola is coming to my house today and I’m scared.

Oh look Lola’s here. OK every things going ok. aw she’s really cute. I gave her a warm bottle of milk  and she went right t0 sleep. When she woke up she was making all these weird monkey noises like she was in a tribal battle.  I didn’t know how to calm her down so I started making the noises with her, of course I was feeling awkward but I went along with it. Soon she calmed down and I let her crawl around on the furniture. She fell asleep again and I thought “hey this is pretty easy” until I heard her cry and I smelled it. I ran upstairs to where she was napping and fixed her up. Then I ran to the bathroom and vomited a little. After recovering I got her up and fed her again although this time she refused to eat and made a huge mess of the kitchen milk and fruit was everywhere. I felt like crawling into a hole a laying there. But then I heard a glorious noise and opened the door to find my cousins friends brother girlfriends sister standing there smiling at me. “So how’d it go?” “Fine” I lied. “Will you want to do it again?” “Oh no! I ‘m really busy hehe” I insisted. “Well I hope you learned from this experience!” “Yes I did” I said as I handed her Lola. “I learned that i never want to have children.” She frowned and shut the door.

My Favorite Movie

My favorite movie is probably The Lion King. When I was little my sister and I would have “picnics” during which was basically eating lunch in our living room on a blanket and watch a movie. My sister and I would always be like “Lion King!” and we would watch it all the time. And then we would play the game on the DVD which I loved more than the movie. But I never watch it now. My favorite scene in that movie was probably when Simba meets Timone and Pumba and they sing that “makuna matata” song. Because it so colorful and happy.

News Article! (Inverted Pyramid)


Holiday Mixup

“Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus right down Santa Claus lane! Vixen and Blitzen and all his reindeer pulling on the reins! Nanananananana…All is merry and bright! And I forget the rest. But happy holidays folks! Finley Mary here with my cameraman Johnny hear for the holidays and spreading the cheer!” Finley glanced over to his right to see a man in his bathrobe picking up a package. Finley motioned for Johnny to film over there. The old man picked up a pen  Finley gasped and ran over to him. “Sir please don’t tell me your writing return to sender on that package!” “Umm actually I am and could you sop filming I’m in my robe.” “But sir! it’s Christmas season show some some spirit!” “I don’t celebrate Christmas! I’m atheist! And on top of all of this package is from my mother-in-law! Crazy old coot…” “Oh well in that case, uh happy atheism day? Oh well, I don’t know. Run Johnny!!”

Do Your Best

What Does It Mean To Do Your Best

This question is commonly asked among peers. Because people always try so they can do good to their community.

But I think it means to give all your effort and slap a smile on your face. Of course there’s more to it like trying hard and thinking so you don’t screw up but if you don’t smile people will think your an angry grouch who doesn’t like working but if you smile and whistle while you work you’ll get the job again!

That’s what I think it means to do your best.

Time Out

On the first day of spring Edswold was playing baseball or at least trying to. Swinging his arms limply and throwing like a girl is how Priscilla put it. Of course Edswold wouldn’t let it get to him he would just have to try harder. One more swing… He threw with all his might and the baseball crashed into his neighbors window…Old Man Jenkins window. Priscilla and Zephyr were out of there like a chihuahua being faced up by a rattlesnake if that makes any sense. Edswold still knew he had to get the ball. He headed to the door and glanced up. Knocking on the cold hard door. Old Man Jenkins opened with the ball in his hand his steely glare looking at Edswold he shoved the ball at him. “I’ll fix it” Edswold whispered. But Old Man Jenkins just dragged him inside and put him in the corner. “S-so your not going to murder me?” he squeaked. “Of course not” the old man chuckled softly. “I’m just putting you in a time out until you learn the error of your ways.” Edswold was relieved and when he was aloud out 5 hours later he told Priscilla and Zephyr that Old Man Jenkins was really nice.

 The moral of this story kids if you break windows you’ll be in trouble by more than one person.

The Last Time I Stayed In A Hotel

The last time I stayed at a hotel was yesterday. It was for a girl scout thing at Ocean City, Maryland and it was with all of my friends. But our room was on the tenth floor so since we were really high up my other friend Kyara was terrified. So my mom, Jordan and I had to go back to our car to get food and the  elevator was so untrustworthy because the door was made out of wood and one of the buttons wouldn’t work so you couldn’t go down. Then it made a beeping noise that makes it seem like the elevator is on fire. So after that we went to the pool which you couldn’t even jump in. Then the next day after made this gross thing called GORP we went down to the beach and my best friend and I saw one little seagull and fed only to be attack my like a million. But we were saved my other girls throwing food out of the window.

Invisible For A Day

Today I woke up invisible and decided to go outside and scare people.

Outside I saw a little kid licking a lollipop…My first victim. I hid behind a tree and jumped out a shouted “BOO!” The kid just looked around confused and walked away. Feeling defeated I started to walk home and then I realized that this little kid would ruin my invisible day! So I ran back to him and sole his lollipop and threw it far away. “Ha ha” I screamed into the little kids face. The kid whimpered and ran away. Then it dawned on me…Spending my day invisible scaring children?!? As i realized this I ran home and flopped on my bed. After I cried my eyes out I looked down to find that I wasn’t invisible anymore. A voice in my head told me I was visible the whole day. I didn’t believe it until I heard a knock at the door and found the little kid and his mom staring furiously at me.


Her laughter broke the silence. Although how she could possibly laugh at this time is a mystery to me.A red liquid pooled around my feet. She laughed again. “Misty? How can you possibly be laughing when your fiance is dead?” She giggled. I don’t really know what happened next, I heard sirens and lights and voices telling me to put my hands up. But i couldn’t move. How could I when my best friend was dead. Strong hands grabbed me and shoved me into a car with Misty. I stared at the shed where Lewis was possibly murdered until we were out of sight. Misty laughing like a maniac grabbed my bloodied hands and started one of those weird hand games. I pulled away and shoved myself as far away from her as possible. I felt the strong hands pulling out of the car but I couldn’t see with the tears blurring my eyes. I wasn’t guilty. I wasn’t guilty! My body was convulsing as I thrashed back and forth. I tried to get away I had to get back to Lewis. I felt a sharp sting and blackness engulfed me.The last thing I saw Misty crying.

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