
In a hot summer night at New Orleans step outside to breathe. A dark shadow sweeps behind me. Should I turn around? Turn around turn around. The figure is masked by black he sets a bowl on the table separating us. I find that the bowl is making noises, and I peer in for a better look. Things squirm in the bowl one hops up and smacks me in the face. I jump back startled. “Crickets” he says in a thick accent. I look at him like he’s crazy, his dark hand sets something else on the table. Money. I glance up at him and reach down unsure. I pick it up and leaf through it, $40,000! “Eat” I’m starting to think about eating one when a thought crossed my mind…Why would he offer me all this money just to eat crickets? There must be something wrong with them. I tried to make a graceful exit but as soon as he was out of sight, walk away walk away stiffly and fastly I would never eat crickets especially not if some dark figure hands them to me. Who was he? I had to find out I went back out and he was still there. “Sorry for da trouble” “Its fine, but who are you?” “I is Vinn from Europe and I want you eat crickets because I thought it be fun and then you be laugh and take money” “Oh well no thanks maybe someone else will.” I tried to sound hopefully but I was creeped out. Vinn should go back to Europe if thats his idea of a joke. But I also felt sorry just not sorry enough to stay.

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