Digging A Hole

The hot sun glared above me. Sweat trickled down my back, my wake up call. What was I doing out here? Why was I digging a hole? I stood there for a few minutes with leaning on a dirty shovel thinking of possibilities….Did an animal die? No this hole was much to wide and I didn’t see any dead things. Planting a tree? Ha I don’t plant tree’s. I shook my head mockingly laughing at the thought. A thought popped in my head I would have to be like Spongebob and retrace my steps then tell my story at some run down diner. It was almost night so this was going to be a long day…again…. I started filling the hole with dirt like I was in rewind mode. After I was done I walked backwards into the house and into the kitchen ate what was left of my Chinese takeout then sat on my couch and ordered Chinese.


Finally at the beginning waking up when it hit me I should do something big today. It all made sense sitting around all day thinking then ordering the CHINESE. I was digging a hole to China! I rushed back outside to admire my work and keep digging. But when I got outside there was no hole. What happened? Where’s the hole I’d been digging? I thought of possibilities but none of them fit. Then I realized I was going to have to make like Spongebob and retrace my steps, then tell my story at a run down diner.   

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