Babies First Words

Down the block a couple is holding their first born child with love and content. He’s been with them for a year almost and their just waiting for his first words. But they don’t come “late bloomer” they say trying to reassure each other but their buying books and looking up answers behind one another backs. Fights and argues come but one day as their child is watching them a word finally escapes his lips. “Mordor.” Mordor? they look back in forth wasn’t that a place in the hobbit? They never said that or watched the movie with him. Mordor. Mordor. Mordor. Murder. It makes sense now he must have been saying murder but pronounced it Mordor. Were our fights really that bad?

The couple walks down the street now with child in tow when their neighbor comes “Oh is this the little lad I here all about on Facebook?” They nod. “Murder!” Oh no this was not the time to be speaking son. The neighbor backed away slowly. “Ok bye now…” she says. They smile and wave. They scuttle back and try and teach him nice words. A cat is shown “claws!” a sun “fire” a flower “stupid” they had to face their child was mean. “Murder!” he shouts was spanking him the only option?

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