
ZOOM IN: cracks are everywhere theres nothing but cracks. A dark brown like dirt. More cracks are like trenches a dark never ending abyss. Perhaps this is the ground that has suffered years of neglect no water no love. Or perhaps its something else that the human eye cannot see.

Slowly zoom out… It becomes a lighter brown the cracks becomes smaller now like ditches. Is this thing being revived and brought back to life…?

ZOOM OUT: Now tan almost see through but not quite. Those supposed cracks are now like veins. What you see now is not the ground but a helicopter wing from a maple tree. More fall all around. Did you see this coming?


I think its beneficial to study space because were learning new things and whats going on outside of Earth and you may see into the future or past if you travel lightyears. But then again scientists could think their looking at something beneficial but its not just a pretty thing in space. So unless you have solid fact that you now what your looking at it may be worthless.

I also think we may find life on other planets if the planet has oxygen somewhere water and food. And maybe all the life is underground where they can find those things. but we may have to look in other galaxies or maybe another multiverse…


Babies First Words

Down the block a couple is holding their first born child with love and content. He’s been with them for a year almost and their just waiting for his first words. But they don’t come “late bloomer” they say trying to reassure each other but their buying books and looking up answers behind one another backs. Fights and argues come but one day as their child is watching them a word finally escapes his lips. “Mordor.” Mordor? they look back in forth wasn’t that a place in the hobbit? They never said that or watched the movie with him. Mordor. Mordor. Mordor. Murder. It makes sense now he must have been saying murder but pronounced it Mordor. Were our fights really that bad?

The couple walks down the street now with child in tow when their neighbor comes “Oh is this the little lad I here all about on Facebook?” They nod. “Murder!” Oh no this was not the time to be speaking son. The neighbor backed away slowly. “Ok bye now…” she says. They smile and wave. They scuttle back and try and teach him nice words. A cat is shown “claws!” a sun “fire” a flower “stupid” they had to face their child was mean. “Murder!” he shouts was spanking him the only option?

Reliving The Moment

If I could relive any moment it would probably be one night when I was like 8 or 9 an my dad was always working so one night I decided to ask God if He could let him stay home so I could spend time with him. The next day I woke and my dad was waiting at the bottom of the stairs and he said “guess what? I’m staying home today!” I was so happy and I ran downstairs to give him a hug. But i don’t remember the rest of the day. I just thought that was really amazing that God answered my prayers and I will never forget that moment.

Company Synopsis


Fix You Parody

When your young, playing hide and seek… And you decide to hide up that tree…Then you climb so high, feeling you can fly.. Your friends find you saying “no don’t jump!”

They guide you back down the tree…

And the tears come streaming down your face… Because your stuck in place….Your pants are stuck in the tree… Could it be worse?

Parents will help you down the tree…No worries, no broken bones. We all will try to help you…

Tears stream down your face…Because your stuck in place…Tears stream down your face… And we… Tears stream down your face…Look we have a ladder…Tears stream down your face…And we…

Parents will help you down the tree…No worries, no broken bones…And we will try to help you…


My cousin’s friend’s brother’s girlfriend’s sister works at a zoo and asked me to babysit a newborn chimpanzee. Of course I say yes  because we have a sort of connection and I need the money. So little Lola is coming to my house today and I’m scared.

Oh look Lola’s here. OK every things going ok. aw she’s really cute. I gave her a warm bottle of milk  and she went right t0 sleep. When she woke up she was making all these weird monkey noises like she was in a tribal battle.  I didn’t know how to calm her down so I started making the noises with her, of course I was feeling awkward but I went along with it. Soon she calmed down and I let her crawl around on the furniture. She fell asleep again and I thought “hey this is pretty easy” until I heard her cry and I smelled it. I ran upstairs to where she was napping and fixed her up. Then I ran to the bathroom and vomited a little. After recovering I got her up and fed her again although this time she refused to eat and made a huge mess of the kitchen milk and fruit was everywhere. I felt like crawling into a hole a laying there. But then I heard a glorious noise and opened the door to find my cousins friends brother girlfriends sister standing there smiling at me. “So how’d it go?” “Fine” I lied. “Will you want to do it again?” “Oh no! I ‘m really busy hehe” I insisted. “Well I hope you learned from this experience!” “Yes I did” I said as I handed her Lola. “I learned that i never want to have children.” She frowned and shut the door.

My Favorite Movie

My favorite movie is probably The Lion King. When I was little my sister and I would have “picnics” during which was basically eating lunch in our living room on a blanket and watch a movie. My sister and I would always be like “Lion King!” and we would watch it all the time. And then we would play the game on the DVD which I loved more than the movie. But I never watch it now. My favorite scene in that movie was probably when Simba meets Timone and Pumba and they sing that “makuna matata” song. Because it so colorful and happy.