
LAst night our school had a referendum to get a new auditorium which we really need. But if we could change another thing about our school I would probably want to add a language program for middle school. Since we only offer different languages for high school I think we should let middle school get a chance to learn a verity of languages. Going to school in a Greek elementry school I know that new languages are important. This would also give you new life skills and may help you get into collage or a job. Thats why we should get a new language program.

The Most Effective Form Of Mass Media

I think the most effective form of mass media is television. I think it’s the most effective because there’s commercials that influence you to buy there product and watch their shows. Also we have the news which gives information about politics, weather, traffic and crimes. And a lot of people watch TV to get information and to learn about new things and sales at a cool store. TV is like our biggest media source. and I believe without Television our generation would be lost in news.

John Glenn

On February 20 1962 John Glenn went into space! The 1st person to go into space I can only imagine what it was like.


Space…Darkness…Dun Dun Dun nun nun!! Wow its so pretty! This is amazing and also terrifying. Man I gotta pee but I’ll just hold it in for a little longer. Hey look I can see my house from up here…hehehehe

Look at all the stars! Twinkle twinkle little star la la la  la focuse John… Man I feel so alone.

I’ll be down in Earth in just a bit if I don’t blow up… stay on the positive side…Family, yeah I can’t wait to see them!

A Summer’s Day

This morning I heard my brother and his friend,Tristan, screaming at each other. I realized that this would be how most of my summer mornings would be. I looked out my window and saw them chasing each other. Across the street at Tristan’s house I saw his little sister Addison singing a song. I loved Addison she was so cute and loving. I decided-correction- was forced to go out and “soak up some Vitamin D”  So I sat out on  our adirondack chair and listened to some music. Addison soon spotted me and ran over. I was so happy so I played a bunch of games with her for most of the day.

Soon later my next door neighbor, Jeff, came out to play with them. I decided to join in because i felt do loved.

The Giratee!

An explorer in Africa has discovered a new species. This new species is extremely rare. The explorer who found it has called it a Giratee. The Giratee has the head of a Giraffe (including the neck) and body of a manatee. Only one of these have been found. Some of the African villagers call this animal very cute which is true. No pictures have been taken so we can’t know what it looks like. The Giratee is also able to hold its breath for 5 hours! Its a vegetarian and is very gentle so don’t be alarmed if you see one. Explores are working their best to find this animal and learn more about it and make sure it doesn’t become hunted or endangered.

The Cause Of Phobia’s

Yawn… Happy Saturday me.                                                                                                                                                                                     “The human is now wakening up from their very, very short hibernation how will they live?”                                                     “Hey wake up Alex.”  I start shaking her. Once she wakes up we start getting dressed. “What are they doing they already have bare pelts why are they putting on more pelts?” After we got on our sweaters and jeans we head into the bathroom to brush our teeth. “How strange now they’re mouth is foaming and their spitting how disgusting.” “How repulsive!”  After we leave the bathroom I see them… “Bears!” I shout. “No,no,no.” They try and soothe us. “We’re just observing then reporting our findings to our Bear King.” “TALKING BEARS!!” we both shout, Alex fell to the ground. “Please just let us observe.”  Since i had no other choice I let them.

After Alex recovered from her “minor” heart attack; the bears went back to observing us. At breakfast we ate cereal, “That food looks disgusting nothing natural about it.” One said. “It smells wretched to.” Said the other. After a long day of “your doing everything wrong” the bears finally left to report their findings to their king or whatever; they left.

And to this day Alex has a phobia of talking bears.




Don’t Steal Anything, Not Even Mood Rings

“Oh look! Look Juliette it’s a mood ring!” Finley cried excitedly.                                                                                                       “And…?” I questioned. “I love mood rings They’re so cool and magical!” “Well we don’t have any money so lets go home.”        “Darnit!”

On the drive home, Finley finally confessed, “Oh Juliette I’m so sorry!” He started crying his eyes out. “What? What happened?” I said in alarm. “I stole the mood ring!!”  He opened his fist to show me a purple ring. “Oh Finley how could you? Well it’s to late now were already home so just keep it.”                                                                                                             “Really?” He jumped up out of the car and slipped the ring onto his finger. “Just don’t do it again!” I shouted after him.

Hopefully he wouldn’t.