Becoming In Touch With Nature

“Now I hope you realize that stealing candy from children…” He glanced down at me. “Younger children. Is a serious crime. But since this is your first crime you won’t have to go to jail, but you must still be punished. “Oh no” I thought, “I’m probally gonna be under house arrest or community service! Ugh I’ll be so bored!”                                                                                                                                 “Your punishment is…You must spend the next 2 weeks in a remote forest camping.”                                                                           “What?!? Camping? By myself?”                                                                                                                                                                            “Yes this will give you plenty of time to reflect on what you’ve done.”

OK now I’m in some forest. I don’t like forests there’s nature everywhere. What if a bear attacks me. OK just calm down everything’s going to be OK. Ack what was that?? Deep breaths. Hey look at that butterfly it’s so pretty. In fact everything out here’s beautiful. Maybe it’s so bad out here….

Hey Mr. Judge, I just wanted to thank you for sending me into that forest. I really learned alot and now I’m in touch with nature. Ahh natures all around. Whee Everything’s so beautiful!”                                                                                                                   “….Maybe we should send everyone with a first offense into that forest…

The Picture

OK, OK  now that I’m in Russia I just have to take the next flight to London and I’ll be home to see my family. Almost to the airport gotta find a parking spot. Ugh why does every parking spot have to be filled when I go to the airport it must be like a curse or something… Oh Look theres one! Car parked have keys, cellphone, coffee. Do they allow you to drink coffee in the airport? Eh oh well.  Aww shoot it’s pouring! must protect coffee, must protect  coffee. Alright let me call my mum to tell her I’m at the airport. “Hey mum I’m at the airport in Russia…Yes I have the photo…OK I’m checking my pockets…Oh great I don’t have it!…I didn’t say anything mum, gotta go bye!”  Maybe its in my car… ouch that coffee is to hot! OK recipt, water bottles, coffee cups, trash, more trash. Wow I really need to clean out my car. Oh no! I must have left it in Japan! How can I face mum without the picture of me and father…I’ll just have to go back to Japan to get it. No problem I’ll just miss Christmas with my family to get it. The picture will just be a late Christmas to mum. Merry Christmas Edswold…

My Biggest Fan

My biggest fan is probably my brother, Luke.


Luke is a young boy and I’m almost positive that he loves me but I guess little brothers should because your all in the family..

Describing Luke… Luke is pretty tall for a 3rd grader. He also has bright red hair and the most obnoxious laugh. But I love him all the same.

He always wants to play with me an wrestle and do weird little kid things. Also if my dad ever says that we’re going on a hike he’ll always say “I’ll go if  she goes!” (she being me) but I never go and Luke throws a tantrum and is then forced to go. Also he always hugs me and follows me.

Luke also has a very short fuse. So if I ever do something that upsets him he blow up at me. And it’s hilarious! Because his new thing is “I’m getting ready to punch you!!!” but he never does and he couldn’t hurt me if he tried.

But even though Luke and be super annoying I’ll always love him and admire him for being my biggest fan.

The Mental Disease

Today I woke up to find that I have a cold. My nose was running and I kept coughing I was having hot and cold flashes so it was more like a fever I think… But every time I felt like I had to sneeze I start acting like a monkey… But unfortunatly I couldn’t stay home so here I am going to school hopefully I don’t have to sneeze…

First Period English, so far so good oh no I think I have to sneeze. Why am I dancing like a monkey and making monkey noises you ask? Well I don’t know I just don’t. OK good sneezing feeling over but everyone’s staring at me. Great that was humiliating.

Second Period Math, no problem just doing a couple of math problems. Darn’t now I’m acting like a monkey all around the room! The teacher sent me to the office for the rest of class…

Third Period Reading, no such luck I’m already acting like a monkey. The teacher is making me go home early for “disrupting” the class. Well I can’t help if I have to sneeze!!

At least now I won’t disturb anybody so I decided to head to the docters but he said it was all mental. So I was just acting like a monkey for some strange reason…And I didn’t actually have to act like a monkey my brain just told me to…






How I Got My Name

I got my name from the famous actress Phoebe Cates that my dad loved. It means ‘bright and shining’.

My middle name, Elizabeth, means ‘God’s promise’ or ‘oath of God’ and I was named after the St. Elizabeth.

So when my parents where going to have a child they would either name me Phoebe or Veronica. But my dad was in love with the famous actress Phoebe Cates and went with Phoebe. But I used to hate my name because people would always spell it wrong and say it wrong.But now I love the name.

Elizabeth is my middle name because almost everyone thats a girl in my family on my dad’s side has either the first name Elizabeth or the middle name. Also my parents think that middle name’s should be Saints.

Talking To Myself

Today was a wonderful so I figured I might  go to the park. At the park I saw someone who looked strangely familar they glanced at me and I looked away quickly. Unfortunatly they saw me staring and walked over “oh no, oh no, oh no”  I thought to myself. “Excuse me but why were you staring at me?” they inquired with a strangely familar voice. “Sorry was I staring you just looked so familar.” I glanced up. But I was looking into my eyes and my face…

Why was I looking at myself maybe I was looking in a mirror I reached forward but felt skin not glass. “Why are you touching me” they questioned. “Because you look exactly like me.” “I know”

Ok this was freaking me out so I just backed away slowly and headed to my house they screamed after me “Wait were going to be best friends!” they started running I got into my house and locked everything but they kept banging….And banging and banging…

Life Rut

One day I woke up to find that I was in a total deja vu. Always waking up and doing the same thing and eating the same time. So clearly my life was very boring which annoyed me. So I decided to change it up. And thus I became a vegaterion! Which was extremely hard because I love bacon. Also I decided to move out of Delaware and to someplace exciting!!

In this new place I decided to change up my personality and do everything different.

And I was finally out of the rut and into something really fun and then I got into a life rut from that had to change again….


The Perfect Vacation

The most amazing vacation would be to go to Rio but in the nice neighborhoods. I would go to the huge Jesus statue because I’ve always wanted to see it. Mostly just relax by the beach all day. Also try the different foods and see the wildlife (maybe).

You see I don’t like to do much so I would mostly stay at the beach and swim.

I like to try different foods and see different animals.


Theres a small germ on the floor, just like the millions of other germs. But this germ is different….he likes to look around at the world instead of trying to make the world dirty. On this floor he looked around and saw utter darkness. BUt there where huge lights on hills that gave off some light. There was a blast of noise and he saw a gigantic screen with giants on it moving around , he was totally mesmorized. But the noise was deafening so he tried to look for some shelter but only saw huge velvety mountains with giants sitting in them. Suddenly something as large as a metorite fell to the ground. He floated over to examine and smelled butter , cheese and  salt. He went away , the sent was to strong.

The noise was still blaring and the germ got scared we wanted to escape , he hated being a germ everything was large and scary and they always got stepped on or burned by that sweet smelling foam. But the germ could not escape so he floated to the top of the velvet mountain and watched the giant screen with giants on it. And found out it was about a huge floating contraption hitting something then sinking.

And he liked it up there , where he could see the giants around and the small suns and the overwhelming smells of the movie theatre.