Hero Synopsis

THE STORY (I’m sorry if this link doesn’t work…)

Confronting The Bully

At a restraunt sipping tea. When I see, Him. The bully who always took my money. I almost spit my tea out! looking at him cleaning the floor1

I would think that he would be rich from stealing everyones money but he was wearing rags! I was always the poor one with only enough money for food (we didn’t  worry about clothes) but now I had hundreds of dollors and way to much money to spare!

I decided to walk up to him-wallet in hand-and say hi. “hey Vin” he looked up at me frowning, me smirking. I took out all the money in my wallet ($100) and fanned myself with it. He looked greedily at it,”looks like your the one without money now! Ha!”

I walked out of the restraunt while he just stared after me or maybe at the money…

Now I suspose it wasn’t  very nice but he stole money from me so he deserved it…


My life is like a swing up and down. When your in the air it’s like your flying and your happy.

Then the swing gets close to the ground. You wish you could be in the air again but you still know it will come so what have you got to fear?

But the sadness get get unbearible So you jump off the swing. then everything is plain. but you could always get on the swing again and keep trying to stay in the air even though you know it’s impossible. But I just keep trying.

My Favorite Children Book

When I was a little a girl I loved it when my dad read to my sister and I. He always read Harry Potter to us. He only read the 1st, 2nd and 3rd to         us but those where my favourite. Every day before we went to bed he’d read a chapter to us. It might sound stupid to some people but it meant alot to me. Of course now adays I can’t stand Harry Potter books but I like the movies.

Oh and if you think that my dad’s dead or separated…He’s not.

That’s why Harry Potter was my favourite books.

The Free Puppy

“Mommy, mommy, can we please get a dog?!?”

“Fine” so we piled into the car and drove off to the shelter to get a dog.

“This one mommy this one!” screamed my youngest son, Peter. “And it’s free!” So we bought the dog and named him Freebie.

A week after we got Freebie something was talking to me in my head. I looked around but only saw Freebie staring at me. He told me that my oldest son Robert had punched my daughter, Mae in the face. i was totally freaked out and yet good for getting that info. Now Freebie went with the kids every where and then reported back to me whenever they did something bad.

I know consider myself The Worlds Best Mom and The Worlds Smartest Dog !!

I Wish

It was just a normal Tuesday (I think) were just hanging around but my mom was in the other room. My father went in to check on her and she was crying. Of course now every one was in the other room trying to figure out why she was crying. She whispered one thing “my dad died”

She was holding pictures of him. And now I was crying because my grandfather was DEAD and because my mother was crying. I cry if I see someone else crying. I would love to erase this memory so it’s like no one died.

No one died in my family…I wish.