Kim The Super Dog

It was Halloween and Edswold’s dog Kim was super happy. He could tell because she was rolling around, jumping and wagging her tail  super hard. But she was barking at the door so Edswold let her out and Kim ran across the street to a house and started barking madly at it. Edswold tried to bringing her back but she just looked longingly at him and started barking again.Soon Edswold saw smoke and relized the house was on fire the family poured out and the wife was crying.She said that her son Bruce was still inside trapped. Kim ran inside and made her way upside towards Bruce’s room.She saw Bruce trapped under his bed and dragged him out from under the bed and out of the house. The wife was so happy and hugged Kim tight  the firefighters came and Bruce only had minor injurys. Edswold knew what to dress Kim up as…Super Dog the dog who saved the day !

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