Visual Arts Hero’s


Pablo Picasso                                                                 Van Gogh


Whenever I hear the word ‘chalk’ I automatically think of chalk. On the pavement,lying in the hot sun with drawings on the side walk. Blue,red,green,yellow and more the chalk waits to be used by little girls and boys.  Wait here come someone! The chalk gets put away by mom until next time they wait to be used and until there worn down to the end.Waiting.waiting,waiting hoping…nothing…

Chapter 11: The Viewing

It’s 4 o’clock and my family is getting  ready to go to a viewing for my old principal. As soon as were done we get into the car and head off…”Wait!” my mom says “I need my sunglasses” so as my mom gets out and gets to the door she relizes that were locked out so my brother had to climb through the window and unlock the door.Finally we leave and get to the greek church and pay our respects. It was so sad and the principal looked fake. Finally we leave and were all sad,listening to classic rock all the way home.

Zombies in the Before Time

Back in the 40’s zombies were just vegitarians. They ate brocoli and green beans and other veggies. Not brains or human flesh, they found it offensive if you questioned them about or ran from them they got super sad.They usually lived in gardens but soon all the gardeners didnt garden anymore or farm.And the zombies had to survive on grass,weeds,and wild plants and the rumors grew zombies eating people and hiding becuase they didn’t want to be seen. Finally they couldn’t take it anymore they were starving and needed something to eat.So if the people thought they ate brains and guts thats what they would do.Thats why zombies do what they do; they found people delicious and nutritional.So thats why zombies eat people so heres the moral of the story…


Losing Things

I almost lose everything right when I put something down and go to pick it up and its not there.I just get so frustrated I think “like ohmygod I must have short term memory loss!!”But then I find 5 minutes later and I feel better.But it seems to happen with everything,pencils,ipods and other small things.Sometimes even after I find it I still think I have short term memory loss but oh well hopefully I dont lose anything else!

The Colour Purple

My Favorite Colour is Purple

Purple Is The Best Colour Becuase Theres So Many Shades

Like Light Purple,Dark Purple,Violet And Much More

So Theres A lot To Love About Purple

Its So Vibrant And Yet Dark And Ominous


August 21

On August 21 my friend Carli had a party and she got fireworks but they were small and legal so we went down to Conrad and set 1 of but don’t worry nothing happened! Her friend Johnny got scared because he went to Conrad and ran back. After the party I went to spend the night at my friend Neena’s we walked down to the park and through the forest into this really nice neighborhood.We walked around some and then we headed back to her house to get something to eat then went out on the golf course that no one uses.Suddenly we heard leaves russel and branches snap we glanced towards the woods and saw some one come out with a knife suddenly we ran to my uncle Jeff’s house then back toward her house we didn’t go back outside after that.Then we got even more freaked out when the power went out and we saw silouttes of people in the window.We decided to sleep over my house next time…

The City

I’m walking down a dark alley at midnight its super quiet,no cars on the highway and only 1 streetlight shines.I see a shadow in the street so i walk faster into the surrounding darkness the shadow comes closer following me into the alley i see the body with a knife in his hand I run as fast i can i know i shouldnt scream but i do anyway until i make to the other side of the alley and i climb up a fire escape and into my aparment and  i run into the lobby and scream until someone comforts me.

Edswold’s Surprise

Today was a huge surprise! I was finally able to adopt a baby from Egypt! Heres how it started…

I came home from a long day at school to find a letter in my mailbox (No 1 ever mails me) i opened at it told me i was finally eligable to adopt this beautiful baby girl named Ayzlin from Egypt I was so excited I called them right away.

So when i came back from Egypt with Ayzlin we had a big surprise party and she was so happy!