Through The Mirror

Edswold wakes up on rainy Friday morning and is regretting the day.Edswold always hated rainy days they always made him feel sad and rainy.He shoved himself off his bed and stumbled into the bathroom and stared at himself in the mirror.Looking,looking,looking until he say something flashe in front of him and it got brighter and brighter. Edswold’s eyes widened in horror as he was sucked in.

Edswold looked around and he was outside in a flowering meadow and the sun shone high in the sky and bunnies were swarming him.Suddenly all the bunnies burst into song singing his favorite lullaby and Edswold drifted into a deep sleep.

Edswold woke up back in his bathroom laying on the floor “what happened?” he wondered he would never know…


Riding my bike around my block pumping my legs faster and faster then i pass Phoebes house and see her up in the tree.Hmmm I’ll keep riding for awhile more…

Ugh I cant take it anymore I have to see her so I  stopped my bike on her lawn and climb on the tree with her.”what are u doing here?!?”she asked  “oh just visiting”I replied casually.

Phoebe is so pretty I love her so much but I dont think she likes me…Shes so funny and smart, sigh maybe I’ll try and impress her.

I tried to impress her by hopping on a tree branch then it broke. “HAHA” she laughed at me! i have to leave im so embarresed!

as im riding away i see her go over to Matts house to problally play with Jeff. Oh well…sigh.

❤ Sebby

Luke’s Luck

Once my younger brother got a coin from the Renisance Fair.After that he was always lucky.

The next day he woke up and had nice hair which he never does!While my hair was impossible to comb!Later that day he was outside riding his bikes with his friends Tristan and Jeff.Suddenly  his bike crashed and he wasn’t even hurt  all becuase of that coin!

It kept going on for the next few weeks and i couldn’t  take it.So when he was sleeping i snuck into his room stole the coin and ran outside to the creek  behind my house.I threw the coin in and relaxed finally Luke’s luck was over.

Edswold The Legend

Edswold gathered his friends,Priscilla, Kaige and Zephyr  to tell him important news.He was going to be on the news!

“Why?”everyone asked.He told them that he wasn’t going to be interviewed he was just going to stand to stand in the back.

He told his friends to all go home and watch the news at 7:00 and he strode away confidetly.At 7 Edswold was at the Mall were the news crew would be the reporter was talking about the new stores opening. Edswold bounded right the behind the news reporter and started waving like crazy! Then he mouths “hi mom” and sarted waving again.

After the news he bounced back home were his friends were waiting for him as soon  as he set foot on the porch Zephyr said “Do u know how many people watched?” he didnt. almost everyone in America!

And thats how the legend of saying “hi mom” started all thanks to…Edswold!!

Sun Block Edswold Sun block!

Today  Edswold went to the beach and  decided to lay down on his towel the sun felt good on his back very soon he fell asleep

he dreamed of cold things and then he was burning. Edswold got up with a start still burning.

He got up and his body stung he looked down and his body was red he grabbed his Aloe Vera sunblock and rubbed all over his body.He instantly felt better , he sunk back down onto his towel after he positioned his umbrella over him.

Yay Edswold! 😀


His Mother was dead.His Father was dead.In fact everyone in his family was dead ever since the bombing.

Now he was in an orphanage waiting for some overly joyful people to come and interview him.Of course they would reject him as always,”he’s 2 depressed” “sad children mean sad life” it was all the same.But he was really trying he wanted to move on but every time he closed his eyes he saw explosions and heard his mother scream his name sometimes he even smelled blood.Just the thought made him gag.

The couple walked big fake smiles plastered to there face.He wondered what questions they would ask, would he have to tell his life story? He frowned.He inhaled deeply trying to smile, when he suddenly smelled his mother scent and his fathers.He stood up immedietly trying to locate where the smell was coming from.The couple came closer and the smell got stronger “it can’t be” he thought.He ran over and stood right next to them his nose was full of his parents he knew it was them they had come back for him! he  was so happy he nearly exploded and for the first time in years… he smiled.


The flamingos were bored, they were tired of eating just plain fish.They were just plain white nothing special,they thought that being white would help them survive but 1 day a flamingo named Sheila was so fed up eating fish so she went out to find different sea food she flew and flew and flew until she found something pink looking she quickly swooped down and gobbled them up ‘oh my this is the most delicious food ever!”

4 the next few months she went bak and 2 the plc were the delicious pink food this time she brought a friend his name was Bloke and he told her wat she was eating “shrimp” very soon her fethers turned pink she wondered why and went to look for help first she wen to Bloke since he was a scientist he said “why i beleive your feathers turn pink because of the shrimp”

she was so excited she told everyone and everyone else’s feathers turned pink and they still are today.

Thats Why Flamingos Feathers Are Pink

My Writing Process

Once I was writing an amazing story and had no idea how too end it.In the begining I was thinking of a good topic,once i got i had to think of a story line.Then i start writing a rough copy and once I’m done that I go over and  correct my mistakes to make my story better.After I correct my paper I write it again and make it look really nice.Finally I read over it and make sure it looks nice and sounds good.Thats when I know I’m done my story. 

why do people take so many pictures?

whenever my family travels theres 1 thing that we have 2 do…Take Pictures!!  when i was a little girl i used 2 Love getting my picture taken and my sister hated it.Now its the exact opposite,I cant stand getting my picture taking because theres to many of them!Take Disney World for example or just regular Fla. (but mostly Disney) whenever we go there its either “say cheese!” or “smile! that means you Phoebe!” it just gets so annoying i mean we’ve been here before why so many pictures?!? every ride wen went on it was picture after picture….i think i might go blind 1 day from the flash.But hey you have to savor the memories. maybe pictures aren’t so bad.but to much is!


Curiosity Killed The Cat

the black cat scampers through the forest  with feelings of love and friendship and looks cheerfully at the white crystals of snow ahed of him. He’s planning on visiting his friend on the other side of the forest.

while he skitters through the thicket of trees and underbrush he spots a bunny eating a flower that has come up 4 spring to early.he quickly dashes after it and follows it to its burrow.he walks around for a bit trying to find another hole until he spots a lake glistening from the newly fallen snow and the ice underneath.he quickly takes intrest and runs onto the ice. “this is was so wonderful so magical’ he thought as he slid across the ice after a while he relized he should be getting to his friends so he slides over to the edge and gets a quick drink from the craked ice.

not relizing the ice was weak beneath him it broke beneath and he fell into the deep icy water.he struggled to get up but couldn’t find were he fell in instead it was just a wall of ice.he tried calling for help but his throat caught with water.soon he was put of air fainted he slowly floated down to the bottom of the lake,were he would stay forever…