my dream

last nite i had an extradonary dream!

my neighbor was in my back yard just minding his own buisness when he grabbed ice and but his head then he shaved ice in the shape of a triangle and put his pants my cousin and brother were with me watching him i thought it would get really weird so i took them to a nature center the lady there was crazy so we ran 4 r lives i didnt no were to take them until my cousin turned into a pirhana (nom nom nom) and my brother was hit by a bike i coudnt stand it anymore so i went home were my neighbor was and heard the words “wake up girls”

First Day

today is my first day on this blog thing my “friend’ anthony is  getting on my nerves! just like im getting on his (; i hope u like my blog and plz dfont ask about my name because i dont even no why i called it tht> (:

XD 😀 (: (^_^) :p XP i love smiliey faces! =D =)

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